Article 1
1.1 The Organisation shall be known as Gypsy Roma Traveller Police Association
(Hereinafter referred to as Association or GRTPA)
Article 2
2.1 The Association shall seek to improve the working environment for all staff from a Gypsy Roma or Traveller (GRT) background in Constabularies throughout the UK, and to establish good working relations between the Police and the GRT Community, nationally, with a view to enhancing the quality of service to the public. The Association will also seek to raise awareness within the various Constabularies, of issues relating to race, ethnicity and cultural diversity both within the working environment and in the community at large.
2.2 To achieve these objectives The Association shall:-
(a) Promote the importance of cultural diversity in employment and service delivery issues.
(b) Proffer advice on matters of race relations, cultural issues, xenophobia and racism.
(c) Assist Constabularies in developing policies which take full account of the needs of Officers and Staff from GRT backgrounds.
(d) Work to establish and foster good relationships between GRT organisations, groups or communities and the Police
(e) Provide advice and assistance to the Constabularies to aid in the recruitment of staff from minority backgrounds.
(f) Work closely with other Staff Associations.
(g) Provide a support network for staff from GRT backgrounds.
(h) To work closely with other Police Staff Associations to share information and good practice to promote good race relations and equality of opportunity within the Police Services of the United Kingdom and the wider community.
2.3 For the purposes set out in 2.2 above The Association shall:-
(a) Hold support meetings for members and other staff.
(b) Bring together in conference representatives of voluntary organisations, government departments, statutory agencies, community organisations and other relevant bodies.
(c) Through the Committee, arrange and provide for, or join in arranging and providing for, the holding of exhibitions, meetings, lectures, classes, seminars, training courses and other such informative events.
(d) Collect and disseminate information on all matters affecting the objectives and exchange such information with other bodies and organisations with similar objectives whether in this country or overseas.
(e) Promote and carry out, or assist in promoting and carrying out research, surveys and investigations and publish the results thereof for the benefit of the public and Police Services in accordance with the objectives.
(f) Through the Committee cause to be written and printed or otherwise reproduced and circulated, gratuitously or otherwise, such papers, books, periodicals, pamphlets or other documents including films, recorded tapes (whether audio or visual or both) and other mediums as shall further the objectives and to assist in publication of such documents in conjunction with other bodies and organisations.
(g) Liaise, exchange information and otherwise co-operate with other charities, voluntary bodies and statutory agencies seeking to further the same or similar objectives.
(h) Act as a conduit for discussion, negotiation and co-operation between UK Police Services, minority organisations, bodies, groups or communities.
(i) Assist in the development of new and existing policies where necessary.
(j) Raise funds which may be applied to the furtherance of the objectives in accordance with Article 11 on finance.
(k) Do all such other lawful things as are necessary for the achievement of the objectives.
Article 3
3.1 Full Membership is open to all serving Police officers, Special Constables’ and Support Staff, directly employed by Constabularies and Police and Crime Commissioners throughout the UK, or who are working as such, under contracting out provisions, and who are supportive of the objectives of The Association.
3.2 There shall be an annual subscription for members as from time to time agreed at a general meeting. Members joining during the year shall begin payment of the subscription from the month following that of joining (or as soon as practicable).
3.3 Full Membership shall cease immediately upon retirement or leaving office or relevant employment.
3.4 Ex-members may apply to become Honorary Associate members of The Association at the discretion of the Executive.
3.5 Special Honorary Membership may be conferred on other persons not directly employed by UK Constabularies, who have shown support to The Association. This is subject to the approval of the Executive.
3.6 Full Members shall have the following rights:-
(1) To vote on membership of the Executive Committee.
(2) To stand for Office in the Executive Committee.
(3) To request special meeting in accordance with Article 10 below.
(4) To put resolutions on the Agenda.
(5) To be given a copy of the Constitution.
(6) To examine the published accounts.
(7) To attend meetings and social functions.
(8) To enjoy the benefits offered by The Association.
3.7 Honorary Associate Members will have all rights of Full Members with the exception that they shall not be allowed to vote or stand for the Office of Polling Officer in accordance with Article 7.5 below.
Article 4
4.1 Members must at all times conduct themselves in such a way as not to bring The Association
or the Police Service into disrepute.
4.2 Members may be expelled for contravention of Article 4.1 and 3.2.
4.3 Where an allegation is made that a member has acted in such a way the Secretary shall seek evidence from the complainant in writing. Upon the receipt of such a written complaint, the Association membership, of the subject of the complaint will be deemed suspended.
4.4 Upon receipt of the written complaint the Secretary shall circulate copies of the complaint to the executive and forward a copy to the subject. The subject will have 14 days in which to respond to the allegations in writing to the Secretary.
4.5 No more than 21 days thereafter the Executive Committee shall meet in closed extraordinary session arranged by the Secretary and consider the allegations and any justification or denial provided by the member. At least two thirds of the Executive must attend for such a meeting to be quadrate.
4.6 The Committee shall then rule, by simple majority, on whether or not they deem the allegation proven. The Chairperson shall not take part in that vote save in the event of a tie when they shall have the casting vote.
4.7 Where the allegation is deemed proven the member shall be expelled from the association.
4.8 When the Secretary is the subject of the allegation the Chairperson shall act in their position
as above.
4.9 Where any member of the Committee is the subject of a complaint that member shall not
take part in the extraordinary discipline meeting.
4.10 Where the conduct complained of is also a complaint against an Officer or member of staff
of a Constabulary such that a formal discipline investigation and hearing is launched by the
Constabulary, no action shall be taken against the member until those proceedings are concluded. However the subject of the complaint will be considered to be suspended from membership until the resolution of the Constabulary’s discipline process and The Associations discipline process.
4.11 No other member or person may attend an extraordinary disciplinary meeting. However, the
Committee shall be at liberty to seek expert advice to guide its deliberations where necessary.
4.12 There shall be no appeal from the decision of the Committee. However, the Committee may, at its discretion in the light of substantial new evidence reconsider its decision.
4.13 A member who is expelled is automatically disqualified from re-admission save in circumstances set out in Article 4.12 above.
Article 5
5.1 Whilst the Association will seek to support all members it will not seek to be a representative body or to supersede any Staff Association or other representative body.
5.2 The Association will not act as spokesperson on behalf of UK Constabularies or seek to establish its views as being those of any Constabulary.
Article 6
6.1 The Executive Committee shall consist of the following posts: –
- Chairperson
- Vice Chair
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Media Officials
- Divisional Representatives
6.2 The Executive Committee shall have at least four members present to be quorum.
6.3 Save where otherwise specified in this constitution or where stipulated by prior resolution all
decisions will be taken by the Executive Committee on the basis of a simple majority. In the event of a tied vote the Chair of the meeting shall have an additional vote.
6.4 Any member of The Association may attend an Executive Committee meeting and participate in any discussion. Any vote taken shall be limited to Executive Committee members only.
6.5 The Executive Committee may exclude any or all non-committee members from its meeting on a majority decision of the Executive Committee. This power shall not apply at an Annual General Meeting or special meeting.
6.6 The Executive Committee shall meet a minimum of four times a year. Such meetings to be notified to members by the Secretary or in their absence the Chairperson.
6.7 The Executive Committee may appoint sub-committees as required. Such sub-committees may include non-executive members.
6.8 Extra meetings of the Executive Committee may be called providing seven days notice is given to Executive Committee members.
6.9 The proceedings of the Executive Committee shall not be invalidated by any vacancy among their number or by any failure to appoint or any defect in the appointment or qualification of a member so long as they are quorate.
6.10 Meetings shall be conducted by the Chairperson or in their absence in descending order the
Vice Chair, Treasurer or Secretary.
6.11 The Executive Committee may co-opt a member to:
(a) fill any office which becomes vacant and
(b) fill any casual vacancy.
6.12 Any member co-opted to the Committee shall only stay in Office until the general meeting falling 42 days after the date the post is vacated by which time the post will have been put to members for election in accordance with Article 7.6 below.
Article 7
7.1 Election to the Executive Committee is open to all Full Members only.
7.2 Every Full Member shall be able to vote in the election of Committee members. Each Full Member may have one vote in respect of each Office.
7.3 The Association shall elect an Executive Committee of not less than four and no more than twelve members.
7.4 The period of Office of members of the Executive Committee shall be deemed to be the period between the date of their election and the next Annual General Meeting (AGM).
7.5 The Executive Committee will appoint an Association Member or Honorary Member to be an independent polling officer. The polling officer shall not be a member of the Executive Committee. They will be responsible for registering receipt of nominations for Executive Committee Posts, processing postal ballot papers and supervising conduct of elections. The Polling officer may not stand for Office in the election which they supervise.
7.6 Election of members of the Executive Committee shall be by vote at the AGM, or in the event of early retirement of an Officer at the next General Meeting falling after a period of 42 days from their retirement.
7.7 Where a member cannot attend the meeting at which the election is due to take place, they may request a proxy voting form 14 days prior from the Polling Officer.
7.8 The proxy voting form must be returned 7 days before the date of the meeting and the Polling Officer will cast the member’s vote in accordance with the way in which they have completed the form.
7.9 The proxy voting form will list the names of each candidate for the office or officer. The loss of such a form must be reported by the member to whom it is sent.
7.10 The Polling Officer must notify members of an election 28 clear days before it is due to take place. This notification will be deemed performed when notice of the AGM is circulated.
7.11 Nominations for Office on the Executive Committee must be made in writing supported by a
proposer and seconder.
7.12 The nomination must be completed on a form to be drafted and approved by the Executive
7.13 These forms will be sent out upon request of a member by the nominated Polling Officer.
7.14 All nominations must be received at least 7 clear days before the election meeting.
7.15 Election for each Office will take place by show of hands at the election meeting. Proxy votes being added after the show of hands. The candidate receiving the most of the total votes cast shall be deemed elected.
7.16 The Candidates need not be present at the election meeting.
7.17 All Executive Committee appointments shall be deemed effective immediately the election
for each Office is concluded.
7.18 The offices of Chairperson, Vice Chair, Treasurer and Secretary must be held by separate individuals. However this shall not stop a person standing for more than one office. Once such an
individual is elected to office they must withdraw from the election for the remaining offices. Any proxy vote in their favour for such remaining office is deemed invalid thereby.
Article 8
8.1 There shall be an Annual General Meeting of The Association which shall be held within 365 days of the last AGM or as soon as practical thereafter at a date, time and place appointed by the Executive Committee.
8.2 The Executive Committee shall call every Annual General Meeting. The Secretary shall give at least 28 days notice of the Annual General Meeting to all members of The Association.. Such notice will include the date, time and place and outline agenda of the AGM. All members of The Association shall be entitled to attend, but only full members of The Association will be entitled to vote.
8.3 The quorum for the Annual General meeting of The Association shall be 10 members or one fifth of the total full membership of The Association whichever is greater.
8.4 The Agenda of the AGM will include:-
(a) The Executive Committee’s report
(b) The Treasurer’s report
(c) Confirmation of accounts and selection of auditors.
(d) The election of the Executive Committee
(e) Setting of subscription rates (when/if required).
(f) Any business directed by the Constitution or the Executive Committee.
8.5 The Executive Committee shall present to each AGM the reports and accounts of Unity of the preceding year before resigning as a body. Elections for the Executive Committee shall follow immediately thereafter.
Article 9
9.1 Any general meeting may by a single majority vote agreed to consider any other business which has arisen since the notice of the meeting was given.
9.2 The Executive Committee shall call a special general meeting of The Association if at least 6 members request such a meeting in writing stating the business to be considered. The Secretary shall notify all members of the meeting and give 21 days notice of the date time and venue. The notice must state the business to be discussed.
9.3 The special general meeting shall consider business as stated in the notice convening it in accordance with Article 9.2 above.
9.4 Subject to decision of the executive Committee the meeting may also consider any issue related to the business identified in accordance with Article 9.2 above.
Article 10
10.1 The Executive shall have the following powers and obligations:
(a) To expel any member in accordance with Article 4 above.
(b) To co-opt consenting members to serve on the Committee in accordance with Article 6.11 above.
(c) To employ such staff (who shall not be members of The Association by virtue of that employment) as are necessary for the proper pursuit of the objectives set out in Article 2.
(d) To obtain such services for The Association as are necessary for the proper pursuit of the objectives set out in Article 2 above.
(e) To raise funds and incur expenditure in accordance with Article 11 below.
(f) To create such sub-committees as are necessary to the effective functioning of The Association and to the effectively pursuit of the objectives of The Association as set out in Article 2 above.
(g) To appoint auditors to audit The Associations accounts, such appointment being subject to ratification by the membership at the AGM.
(h) To appoint an electoral Polling Officer for the conduct of the election to the Officers of the Executive in accordance with Article 7 above. To wind up the Association in accordance with Article 13 below.
(i) To invite guests to attend at any meeting of The Association or Executive Committee save a disciplinary hearing.
Article 11
11.1 The Executive Committee shall ensure that The Association complies with all legal and statutory obligations and in any event to:-
(1) Keep an accounting record for The Association, (the financial year being deemed to end on 31st March annually).
(2) Prepare an annual statement of accounts for The Association. (For AGM and Auditing purposes as required).
(3) Keep a register of members, (including the grade of membership applicable).
11.2 An audited statement of accounts for the last financial year shall be submitted by the
Committee to the AGM as set out in Article 8 above.
11.3 A bank account may be opened in the name of The Association. All monies howsoever contributed to The Association must pass through that account. The monies accumulated in the account may only be obtained by cheque. All cheques must be signed by not less than two authorised signatories who must be Executive Officers. (If the chequering system ceases to be, then an alternative arrangement may be sought on direction from the Executive).
11.4 The funds of The Association will be overseen by the Treasurer.
11.5 All money raised by or on behalf of The Association shall be applied to further the objectives of The Association as set out at Article 2. However the Committee is entitled to accumulate funds with the view to later expenditure in furtherance of those objectives.
11.6 All expenditure must first be sanctioned by the Executive, including the reimbursement of any expenses incurred by any member in pursuance of the objectives and work of The Association.
11.7 Any expenses shall be reimbursed at rates set by the Executive Committee.
11.8 All members may be required to pay an annual one-off subscription to be set by the Executive and ratified by the members at AGM. Different rates may be set for Full, Honorary Associate, and Special Honorary members.
11.9 Any fund raising activities on behalf of Unity must be conducted with the prior approval of the Executive. Any such fund raising activities must be conducted in such a way as not to prejudice or compromise The Association or the Police Service.
11.10 Gifts and contributions from individuals and outside organisations may be received by The Association however such gifts must be made on the clear understanding that in their acceptance neither The Association nor any Constabulary incurs any obligation.
11.11 Where there is any possible risk of perceived or real bias attaching to a gift or contribution
that gift must be declined.
11.12 No member may accept personal gifts or contributions in exchange for furthering the cause
of an outside body or individual with any Constabulary or The Association.
11.13 The Executive Committee may, by simple majority, adopt measures allowing them to invest,
retain and accumulate capital which shall then be applied to further the objectives of The Association in line with Article 10 above.
12.1 Any member may apply to amend the Constitution. Such application must be directed to the
Secretary of the Committee and must be endorsed by at least 6 Full members. Application
to amend the Constitution must be made at least 28 clear days before the next AGM or shall
be considered at the AGM following. If the amendment is pressing the Executive
Committee may convene a special general meeting to consider the matter in accordance
with Article 9.2.
12.2 Details of any proposed amendments shall be circulated to members with the notice of the
meeting. The proposer of the amendment to the Constitution shall have sufficient time at the AGM to explain the need for amendment. There shall follow a period of debate thereafter in which the proposed amendment may be discussed. It will be up to the Chair person’s discretion as to when to bring the discussion to a close. The proposed amendment will then be put to the members. In order for the amendment to the Constitution to be passed it must achieve a special majority of two thirds of the members present or voting by proxy.
12.3 Where an amendment to the Constitution is proposed the proposal shall be included in a
proxy voting form thus allowing members not present to vote for or against the proposal.
Requests and submission of proxy voting forms shall be as for election as set out at Article 7
save that the Secretary shall act as Polling Officer.
12.4 Where the proposer for the amendment is the Secretary the Chairperson shall act in their
Article 13
13.1 If the Committee by simple majority decides at any time that on the grounds of expense or
otherwise it is necessary or advisable to dissolve The Association or merge with another organisation it shall call an extraordinary meeting of all the members of The Association who have the power to vote giving at least 28 days notice. All members shall be given notice of the meeting.
13.2 The notice shall state the date, time and venue for the meeting and the terms of the
resolution to be proposed.
13.3 An up-to-date set of accounts will be put forward at the meeting so that members may know
the current financial situation of The Association..
13.4 After the accounts have been submitted to the meeting the Chairman of the Executive Committee shall address the meeting on the need to merge or end The Association. A period of debate limited in time to half an hour shall follow. The motion shall then be put. If the motion is confirmed by a two thirds majority of those present when voting then:-
In the case of proposed merger:-
(a) All existing liabilities will be made good and no further liabilities may be incurred on behalf of The Association..
(b) In the absence of an agreement from the body with which The Associations is to merge that it will meet The Associations liabilities current Full Members shall be liable pro-rata to make good any remaining liabilities.
(c) Any assets remaining thereafter shall be made over to the body with which The Association is merging or, where a new body is created by the merger, to that body.
In the event of The Association winding up:-
(a) All debts and liabilities will first be met from existing funds.
(b) No further liability may be incurred on behalf of The Association.
(c) In the event of there being a deficit of assets to meet existing liabilities Full Members shall be liable pro-rata to make good that deficit.
(d) Any remaining assets shall be made over to such other charitable institutions or bodies having objectives similar to the objectives of The Association. as the Committee may determine.
13.5 In the Chairperson’s absence the Vice-Chairperson may act in their stead.
Article 14
14.1 In the event of any question of interpretation of the constitution, including any question on which this Constitution is silent, the Executive Committee shall have the final decision as to meaning or interpretation.
14.2 No word or construction in this Constitution is intended to be taken to imply any discrimination whatsoever in regard to sex, colour, creed, disability, marital status or sexual orientation and should be read in that context.